About Us
SPC offers a wide range of services to older people aged over 50 in the London Borough of Southwark since 1987, which we consider the following to be our ‘core’ activities:
- Provision of a Centre for use by older people and community groups located on Camberwell Road. The Centre receives around 12,000 visits per annum.
- Benefits advice service from the Camberwell Road office and outreach venues offering welfare rights, housing matters, money management, debt advice and a will-making service.
- Publicity and information about new and existing services, special events and opportunities provided by statutory and voluntary sector agencies.
- Production of information, publicity and a bi-monthly One in Five newsletter that reaches over 1000 older people.
- Annual holiday and excursion programme tailored to older people’s needs.
- Provision of a ‘voice’ for older people in Southwark through the Southwark Pensioners’ Action Group and Southwark Pensioners’ Forum, and support for campaigning groups, and networking with other pan-London and national pensioner groups and forums.
- Provision of administrative support, office facilities and room hire.