SOUTHWARK PENSIONERS’ FORUM: Background and history
The Southwark Pensioners Forum has existed in the Borough for many years and is part of the statutory process for consultation between local pensioners and statutory bodies such as Southwark Council, the Health Service, Police and other bodies, giving local people a voice at strategic level.The Forum is affiliated to the National Pensioners Convention (NPC) and the Greater London Forum (GLF) and is governed by a committee made up of representatives from SPC, Southwark Pensioners Action Group (SPAG), Southwark Council and local pensioner groups.
It provides an independent voice for older people in Southwark, and influences local and national strategic and policy agendas affecting older people through its links with Councillors, elected politicians and officers, and is the mechanism for statutory organisations to consult with older people in the Borough. For instance, it provides representatives to Southwark Council’s ‘Older Peoples Partnership Board’. Forum representatives also run an independent lay inspector service to assess the quality of care home provision in the Borough for older people.
The Forum has a public meeting every two months on a specific topic of local or national importance and often has guest speakers ranging from local Parliamentarians’, elected Councillors, officers and interest groups.
In 2011 the Southwark Pensioners Forum joined forces with the SPC and SPAG, and they now produce a joint newsletter that is circulated every two months across Southwark.
Upcoming Forum:
EnVision Forum “Learning to live differently”
Date: Tuesday 7th April 2020, 10.00am to 3.00pm
Location: Theatre Peckham, 221 Havil Street, Camberwell, London, SE5 7SD
Agenda: The EnVision Forum for people over 50 with a visual impairment
Future Forum Dates: TBA
Contact: To find out more about the work of the Southwark Pensioners Forum, please call us on 020 7708 4556.