The Future

Working closely with Trustees and partners, listening and learning from members and users, we have developed a new plan to develop the centre which has two simple aims, objectives and key priorities:


a. Customer care, equal opportunities and diversity – getting to know our members and users better.

b.    Membership – Improving our membership offer by making it more attractive to be and remain a member of the centre.   We will continue to provide free or low cost activities and where there is a charge, charging non members £1 more for routine activities.

We want to increase to 400 members and annual footfall from 18,000 to 28,800 by March 2020.

We also want to increase the ratio of men to women from 20:80 to 40:60 by March 2020.

c.    50+ Advice – Our information advice and guidance service seats to strengthening the support to help people solve problems and increase their income.

d.    Health and Wellbeing – new services and activities to include reception as a drop in for tea or coffee, dedicated men’s activities, resurrecting the Audience Club, health talks and a pamper day.

e.    Getting and Staying Online – providing more support for members and users to access the internet.

f.     Consultation and campaigning – building the boroughwide membership of SPAG and the Forum with dedicated admin support.

g.    Reaching Out – working with existing community groups and partners to put on Winter Warmers, Techy Teas and Advice Surgeries  in the community.


a.    Capacity – we will be strengthening our capacity to achieve by making changes to staff roles and responsibilities, rolling out a development plan to improve the knowledge and capabilities of staff and volunteers, improving our marketing and communications, our IT, information and software systems, reviewing policies and procedures and reviewing accommodation.

b.    Impact reporting – having strengthened our information systems be better able to report on the difference our work makes to the health, wellbeing and independence of older people.

c.    Fundraising – we need to increase and diversify our income streams to support our work and we are keen to her from those  who can help us increase it.