Southwark Pensioners’ Action Group

The non-appearance of Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates at our hustings, held on 21st June left the 40 people present with feelings of disappointment and dismay and a feeling of being ignored. All candidates were sent our Manifesto.

SPAG Manifesto – Read it here

As you can see we will be fighting to Restore the NHS based on it’s founding principles and create a national home and social care service, publicly owned and publicly delivered, free to everybody whenever they need it. We work closely with Keep Our NHS Public and the End Social Care Disgrace campaign. More generally we have members involved with the National Pensioners Convention and also work with Independent Age and support their campaigning work.


Southwark Pensioners’ Action Group meeting

Southwark Pensioners’ Action Group (SPAG) meetings have been taken place on the first Friday of each month. They take place both at Southwark Pensioners’ Centre and online using Zoom meeting software. All are welcome.

Usually 10.15am start for 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please contact Southwark Pensioners Centre for more details about how you can take part in the SPAG meetings. Phone 020 7708 4556 or email:

Forthcoming SPAG meeting dates:

The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Friday 2nd August 2024.


SPAG Monthly Meetings:

Usually on the first Friday of each month.  10.30am to 12.30pm.  You are all invited to an online meeting by SPAG using Zoom online software. If you would like to join the meeting, please contact the Southwark Pensioners Centre for the required login details by calling: 020 7708 4556 or by emailing:

All are welcome


Southwark Pensioners’ Action Group video from 2009 celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Old Age Pension. 


Integrated Care Services white paper- Please open and sign the petition against the ICS White Paper:


The People’s COVID Inquiry is now available as a podcast to listen for free, wherever you are! Please subscribe here:



An established group affiliated to SPC, Southwark Pensioners Action Group (SPAG) has an active programme of meetings and events focused on raising awareness and campaigning on issues that affect the health and independence of older people.

Past campaigns have included opposition to the proposed closure of a ward at Maudsley Hospital, a specialist mental health service for older people; challenging the changes to Adult Social Care provision in Southwark; elder abuse in Care Homes; and of course the massive changes to the Health Service outlined by the current coalition government.

SPAG members regularly lobby local and national politicians about the erosion of the value of the old age pension and the position of many older women who receive significantly less income than men.

In 2011 SPAG joined forces with SPC and both organisations now produce a joint newsletter that is circulated every three two months across Southwark. 

If you are interested in campaigning for a better deal for pensioners, contact the Centre or visit

For further information about upcoming SPAG events, visit the Calendar page.



The majority of excess deaths in winter occur in those aged 75 and over.

In 2014/15, across all of England and Wales, the government’s estimated figures saw a huge increase from 18,000 to 43,900 in deaths from cold related illnesses – the highest number since 1999/00.

In Southwark, 125 people died from cold related illnesses.

The latest figures for additional winter deaths will be released November 23rd 2016.

On that day, SPAG will be taking as many Southwark people as possible to protest the high number of deaths. The London Region of the National Pensioners Convention will be releasing black balloons, with each balloon representing 1000 deaths.

SPAG invites Southwark people to join us meeting at the Tabernacle at the Elephant and Castle at 11am.

The protest takes place from  11.30am to 12.30pm,  Wednesday 23rd 2016, by George V’s statue at Old Palace Yard Westminster opposite the House of Lords. Please do join us.


National Pensioners Convention


The Facts

  1. An estimated 43,900 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2014/15; the highest number since 1999/00, with 27% more people dying in the winter months compared with the non-winter months.
  1. The majority of deaths occurred among people aged 75 and over; there were an estimated 36,300 excess winter deaths in this age group in 2014/15, compared with 7,700 in people aged under 75.
  1. There were more excess winter deaths in females than in males in 2014/15, as in previous years. Male excess winter deaths increased from 7,210 to 18,400, and female deaths from 10,250 to 25,500 between 2013/14 and 2014/15.
  1. Respiratory diseases were the underlying cause of death in more than a third of all excess winter deaths in 2014/15.
  1. The excess winter mortality index was highest in the South West in 2014/15 and joint lowest in Yorkshire and The Humber, and Wales

Source: Office for National Statistics

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